Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday and Monday

Sunday, I spent a fantastic day at Da'an park which I think is comparable to central park. I just took my book and my blanket out, and people watched for the entire afternoon. There was actually a street performer playing Old-American style jazz on his trumpet. I was so impressed, and I thought it was really interesting how the Taiwanese have joined in on America's love for street music. I walked over to give the player some change, and he turns out to be an American! It really was a perfect afternoon. On Monday, I headed out to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. A woman there told me I needed to go a different ministry, so she spent quite a bit of time printing out a map for more, and the website information in Chinese and English. The Taiwanese are amazingly nice and willing to help. This afternoon, I went to the hot springs, which was definitely a new experience. The goods news is that I have appointments with the American Institute of Taipei, Chung-Hua Institute of Economic Research, and Academia Sinica for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Tomorrow I will go to the government ministry that will be able to answer my questions, and I will have to skip National Taipei University because I did not realize how far away it was. Besides this, I have been able to speak with all of my planned contacts. I have been meeting some really interesting people from all over the world at the hostel, and despite having traveled here alone, I have never really felt lonely. I've also realized it's nice to be able to travel and sight see, and only have to measure up to my expectations, which are basically nonexistent.

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